

 This week in Freshmen Bible...

This week, we spent time discussing two vitally important worldview questions: (1) "who is God?" and (2) "who are we?" We emphasized how often times our view of God is too small, seeing him as just a punisher, or soft on sin, or a wish-granter, or uninvolved in humans' lives. Students were encouraged to think of God in a much more wholistic way, as just, loving, forgiving, generous, and wanting a close relationship with us. 

We also talked about what it means to be made in God's image, that we've been given a task to help others experience God's presence. 

Students wrote essays in class where they reflected on their worldview interviews completed within the last week, and they spent time sharing the results of their interviews in small groups in class. 


As a reminder, our new school-wide grading policy this year allows students to turn in missing work within a week of the due date for up to 75% credit. So if your student is missing one of the assignments that were due this week, please encourage them to turn them in by no later than this coming Wednesday so that they can still get some credit. 

Up Next...

Next week, students will be introduced to philosophy, and we will begin to dig into four major worldviews which form the basis for many of the world's various belief systems: Idealism, Materialism, Monism, and Theism. We will discover how each of these compare/contrast to Christianity. Students will also analyze where each of these wordlviews are most evident in our modern culture.