
This week in Senior Bible...

This week, we wrapped up our discussion about what it means to be made in God's image by talking about how Jesus used his power and authority to serve rather than dominate over others.  

Students were given three full class periods (Wednesday-Friday) to work on their Image of God Reflection Projects, which are due next week. 



Up Next... 

Next week, students will finish up their Image of God Reflection projects and share them with each each other in small groups in class. Then, we will begin our next unit where we begin to look at God's mission in the world and how we can parter with what God is already doing.

Also, we will have our first Kindergarten Buddies meeting on Wednesday! This is a beloved GCCS tradition where seniors are paried with a kindergartener for once-a-month meet ups where they encourage one another and participate in various fun activities.